Thursday, October 31, 2019

Bayview case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Bayview - Case Study Example Two main approaches are adopted by the students; copying from the internet as well as from their friends. Figures show that close to 57.0% of business students admitted to engaging in cheating activities against 47.0% of non business students. Currently the dean of the Collage of Business at Bayview University is concerned with such issues. This report is based on a research commissioned by the dean to help him and the university to make rational decisions concerning cheating. The report will analyze the collected data, discuss the findings and make recommendations for the dean regarding business student cheating on exams. Analysis and discussion a) All students Internet copying Exam copying Collaborated Cheated Number % Number % Number % Number % Yes 16 17.778 18 20.000 29 32.222 37 41.111 No 74 82.222 72 80.000 61 67.778 53 58.889 Total 90 100.000 90 100.000 90 100.000 90 100.000 From the above table, it can be seen that out of 90 students, 16 students admitted to have copied from internet. This translates to 17.78 %. The remaining 74 students who stand for 82.22% said they did not copy from internet. With regard to exam copying from other students, 18 students (20%) admitted to have engaged in the practice while 72 students, 80% did not. 32.22% of the students admitted to have collaborated with others in projects that were supposed to be done individually while 41.11% admitted to have engaged in at leastsome form of cheating in exams. b) Male students Internet copying Exam copying Collaborated Cheated Number % Number % Number % Number % Yes 7 14.583 9 18.7500 18 37.500 21 43.750 No 41 85.417 39 81.250 30 62.500 27 56.250 Total 48 100.000 48 100.000 48 100.000 48 100.000 From the table, 14.583% of the male students agreed to have copied from the internet and 18.75% admitted to have copied in exams. In addition, 37.5% of male students agreed to have collaborated with others in assignments that were supposed to be handled individually and 43.75% said they at le ast engaged in exam cheating. c) Female students Internet copying Exam copying Collaborated Cheated Number % Number % Number % Number % Yes 9 21.428 9 21.428 11 26.190 16 38.095 No 33 78.571 33 78.571 31 73.810 26 61.905 Total 42 100.000 42 100.000 42 100.000 42 100.000 From the table, 21.43% of female students that participated in the study indicated that they have at least copied from the internet. At the same time, 21.43% of the students also admitted to have copied in exams. 26.19% said they collaborated in the assignments which were supposed to be done individually and 38.10% of the students admitted to have cheated at one point. From the results, it can be seen that male students had a big percentage involved in at least some form of cheating at 43.75% as compared to only 38.095% of girls who engaged in at least some kind of exam cheating. Collaboration between students in the projects intended for individual efforts appear to be the students’ most preferred form of che ating leading with 32.222% of all students doing it. From the areas analysed, internet copying is the least popular form of copying with only 17.778% of all students doing it. The results also reveal that more girls engaged in internet copying at 21.428% as compared to male students where 14.583% were found to engage in internet copying. 1. 95% confidence intervals for proportions a) 95% confidence in

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